Saturday, June 7, 2014

Vaporbrothers VB2 Multi Converter is a powerful device IMHO

It obliterates anything on contact with the super heated ceramic plate. It basically converts your solids to gasses immediately, hence the designation Multi Converter, Wax Converter, etc. It also converts you into a superbeing but that's for another story.

Vaporbrothers VB2 Converter
This ain't no e-nail, although any positive association is nice to have.  Yes it's always on- you can take a dab one after the other without waiting for pyrotechnics to catch up.

But far beyond an e-nail, Vaporbrothers VB2 is a self contained device delivering an instant hit that tastes extraordinarily good. There is no metal in contact with the extracts being vaporized- huge difference right there.  Temperature is capable of duplicating the experience of a hot & fast nail, except that the vapor stays better contained and tastes so much better. VB2 exceeds the experience of a nail.

Many serious and experienced dab world folks immediately reported that VB2 gave them the best hits of their life.

A note about temperature- Most believe that since their compounds vaporize at 392°F, the temperature of the vaporizer should be 300-500°F. Reality is such a different story. You need a significantly higher temperature on the plate if you wish to get your 392°F any time soon.  E-nails incapable of generating more than 600°F allow the dab to settle into the surface, bubble slowly and turn black.  The result is a charred and burnt taste that most people do not realize is not the best way!  On the other hand, VB2 runs temperatures 700-950°F. At these temperatures a dab will bounce off the surface due to the Leidenfrost effect and boil away without being able to melt into any surface.  You will get the freshest taste you've ever experienced.  If you don't, we're back to the drawing board- but after 5 years testing this device, we're pretty sure you will.

A Well Travelled Dabbler Vape Pen

Our muse and hardcore supporter loves her Dabbler Vape Pen.

Often she loves them to death and shows us all the different ways a pen can get messed up. Like all Vapor Pens, the elements are fragile- be careful!! Although, ours go way farther than the highly marketed stuff.  This particular one has made its way through many a dance floor at California's summer festivals.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Thoughts of e-cigs

An early e-cigarette (source)
It's been a while since electronic cigarettes appeared in America. The first commercially available model was a cigarette sized device with a prefilled nicotine fluid cartridge. The end would glow with LED light as you inhale. A component inside could sense the movement of air and power the unit on for only the moments you inhale. Once the fluid was used up the device could be thrown away. It was invented by a chinese pharmacist in 2003 whose idea was quickly commercialized worldwide by the company he worked for and spread around the copycat circuit within a few short years.

A pen style vaporizer (source)
The next step in the evolution of ecigs included larger rechargeable batteries and the ability for the user to use their own tobacco fluid. (called e-juice or e-liquid) While the first ecig created its vapor ultrasonically by using a piezo electric atomizer, the new devices used a tiny heating element as their atomizers. A fiber wick drew the juice gradually into the area of the heating wire, now called the "cartomizer." Ecigs became capable of not only tobacco liquid, but able to vaporize solid extracts, such as with our Vape Pen Dabbler.

Eventually ecig designs have expanded to the myriad choices we have today. Ecigs now are a billion dollar industry, primarily coming from one area of Southern China where hundreds of companies compete in the world market.  New designs travel unauthorized from company to company, complicating the job of parsing out who are the originating companies and who are the knockoffs.  Typically when an unscrupulous company copies another's design, key points of quality and reliability get lost in the translation. When a third company copies the second, and a fourth copies the third, reliability becomes a hit or miss.  Most ecigs sold today are in this category of being a design copied from a design and so on.

Interested to find the better ecigs and become a trustworthy source of them, we've been testing all types available and rating them on their reliability and quality. We're also studying the state of regulation - currently there is not much - to see if this market will still be around in the long run. It seems like it will.

Not only is the ecig a relief to the lungs of smokers, it allows them to smoke in places previously impossible.  While the ingredients of ecig juice are a sticking point for many folks concerned with their health, no one has found the juice to be actually harmful. Although, juice commonly found in corner stores and from distributors online is a complete unknown as far as quality and safety. Ecig juice often contains chemicals and compounds unfit for human consumption, often without ingredient disclosures. Currently, no regulatory agency is able to mitigate the problem.

Ecigs themselves have been fraught with failure and concerns over chemicals running rampant in an industry that is not yet regulated.  Opposition is fierce and world wide, although mostly driven by those who are ignorant to the ecigs benefits as an alternative to smoking.  The biggest source of funding against ecigs come from the industries who would lose- the makers of cigarettes.  Health advocates complain that ejuice's main component Propylene Glycol, which is also an ingredient of antifreeze, is a health concern. But Propylene Glycol (commonly called PG) is an ingredient of many things such as food and lotions and is not known to be toxic in small amounts. Even the most conspiracy minded site Natural News raises little concern.

A visual comparison of ecig vs smoking (source)

Into this fray we have realized the benefits far outweigh the risks.  We think ecigs can rightly be called a "harm reduction device," in that they may have their own issues, but are far safer than smoking cigarettes. We know from our vaporizing experience that people who cut down their smoking and vaporize instead enjoy increased lung function and the elimination of many smoker's issues. Perhaps the safest thing of all is not to inhale anything. But if you're going to use herbs or tobacco, the vaporizer is going to be by far a less impact on your health.

But back to finding a safe and reliable ecigarette...

photo by Vaporbrothers

Our takeaway from this is to try all types of ecigs ourselves and rate them on their design. Juices only come from trusted sources.  When we finish our search, our Vaporbrothers approved ecig will carry our guarantee of quality and inhalation safety. And just like with our organic herbal blends that contain no secret ingredients or chemicals, we will be able to provide our own juice to be safer and more pure than what's available in the corner store.  Expect more news later this year for the development of a Vaporbrothers approved e-cigarette and a quality juice selection.


Edit 9/2015: The UK Government considers e-cigs to be 95% safer than smoking! This confirms the e-cig as a viable harm reduction device! See the study here.

A Brief Vape Pen History (as we understand it so far)

1960's: The idea of an electronic cigarette is invented. It never gets off the ground.

2003: Chinese pharmacist Hong Lik loses his father to a smoking related disease. It becomes his obsession to find a safer alternative using the electronic cigarette method. The company he works for likes the idea so much they rename themselves Ruyan (如烟, literally "Resembling smoking") and commercializes the ecig worldwide.

2006: The "cartomizer" is invented in Europe, making ecigs larger and more powerful. (source)

2007: Californians learned quickly that they could infuse medicinal herbs into the juice. Hemp activist Patrick Moore bugs his friend Will to come out with an e-cigarette for medical cannabis. The friend, an engineer who helped develop GPS and other groundbreaking invention, creates the "Vape-Pen," which eventually became the Dabbler that we sell today. Vape Pens were distributed to cancer patients in a highly successful program to lessen their symptoms.

2008-2012: Tight on the heels of Vape-Pen, competitors sprang up and created a whole market of cannabis oil pens. We are still filling in the blanks in this record.

Here's where we come in:

Since our inception, people have urged us to create a portable version of our vaporizer. It was a tall order for a company already busy growing its production of high end wooden box vaporizers and their glass accessories. We always pointed to the fact that there was not enough power in  batteries to create the type of hit we get with our box vaporizer. Besides, our simple way of building with attention to every detail was too slow for creating a highly technical product like a handheld vaporizer. Our best vaporizers need size to create their incredible taste. We spread the heat over a relatively large surface to provide the most gentle heating possible for clean tasting vapor. Sweet taste and dense clouds just could not be duplicated using a miniature heater. Any attempts to shrink our design ended up with unimpressive vapor and a scorched taste. Plenty of competitors have created weak and smoky tasting portables- We did not want to be another.

Instead of trying to invent our own glass and ceramic portable we turned our attention on existing manufacturers to see which ones could provide designs that were reasonably safe and chemical free. We would have preferred to have only glass and ceramic in the hottest areas of the vaporizer, but where absolutely necessary, we think metals will do as long as they are inert at the high temperatures needed for vaporizing.

In 2012, Vape-Pen showed us his brand new design for vaporizing waxes and extracts of herbs. He had created a greatly enlarged cartomizer built of heating wire wrapped around a tight bundle of glass fibers. Just like how we require for our own vaporizers, all of the materials in his design were able to handle high temperatures without odor. We joined up with Vape-Pen and brought the groundbreaking "Vaporbrothers Dabbler by Vape-Pen" to the market in the beginning of 2013.  We lent the Dabbler our warranty and customer service, along with a level of quality control unheard of in the vapor pen industry.  Vaporbrothers customers were suddenly enjoying the portability they were asking for.  Dabbler won the designation of "Best Standard Pen" by High Times Magazine (print edition) for 2014. (Their online blog is here although it does not list the winners.)

Close up view of the Vaporbrothers Dabbler Vape Pen heater